
The world just seems to be suffering more and more natural disaster. The frequency of disaster starting to make me believe that mother earth it's actually a gigantic monster and she is finally pissed off by what we did.

the 2 most recent major tragedies, Katrina and Pakistan's earthquake once again shake up people's fear of nature. however, both tragedies attract different attention from the media.

Katrina storm have a huge impact on U.S. poorest area and discrimination in the country once again arises in the media. the death toll is 1,000 if i not mistaken and the world media fighting to telecast the latest news from the disaster area. U.S shamefuly accept donation from other country including third world cuntry like Malaysia. Everyone has a pity on them

Pakistan earthquake resulted 40,000 death. As usual, front page story across the globe. But the difference soon observed on the 3rd day after disaster occured. The story has dropped from the front page to a tiny column on black n white pages. Some even stop reporting it. World leader besides giving sympathy and call up to the PM n send their condolenses, nothing much is done. The donation received is far less than what American received, which i believe is a ridiculous paradox.

No sensational coverage, no photo that brought tears to the world, no 24/7 update, earthquake disaster became just another disaster that soon being forgotten. to my surprise , me myself actually feel numb towards the earthquake and not much sadness was grown on me. In fact, Katrina disaster make me feel much worse

I'm embarrassed of myself for being easily influenced by the world media. I'm ashamed of myself only touched by sensational coverage instead of the value of life. Most of all, I'm disgusted by the world media.

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