So you think you can lead

According to Mr Robert Kiyosaki, we have been receiving only the 'poor dad's teaching' in which shaping us into a group of people that believed in core value that is supposedly wrong..

i've been believing this phrase with some reservation from the very beginning. No doubt our education system hasn't evolve much from olden british system, and at the same time our leaders ironically advice us to constantly update ourselves with the latest development. However, unless he can proved that all those geniuses/leaders that being produced by this system are all born special/hardworking/smart, he cannot said that we are believing in wrong believe.

Dont get me wrong though, it is much regret for myself also to realise how shallow my fellow friend's knowledge/understanding on financial planning. In fact, some friends that are finance major are already falling into a rather sorry state.....

so why do our parents still send kids to ballet classes, piano classes besides those BM, english tutorial classes instead of something more beneficial like social works, or maybe financial or safett awareness classes?
" its for their own good"
" so that they can have more option in future life"
"got side income in future"
all these replies are rather common to hear it from,but now, please do introduce me to a parent that will not go against their children that want to study performing art or music. If they dun believe in it as a career, so why force their children to learn it?

no wonder our leaders always do ironical stuff...its from their parent's believe......thou shall be forgiven......

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