
If you have ever joint a multilevel marketing conference/meeting, i am sure you have heard of the story of how a frog being cooked in a slowly heat up pot compared to another escaped frog that is being transferred from a colder pot to a hot pot.  I had heard of it a couple of times, and well understood the moral behind the story, but it still cant prevent myself from suffering the changes in life. It diffuse slowly, almost unnoticeable, and bang! its a brand new ball game...

Not so long ago, i am beginning to feel out of place for various reason. Club scene beginning to looks like teenage prom to me, popular drama's plot insult my intelligence level badly, Movies and Music Video are all featuring unfamiliar faces and liking them is almost like being paedophilic, choices of clothes are down to pathetic G2000, padini or U2 (er...this is not such a good example, bcoz money played a bigger role in this case), and what really hits me real hard is, radio station are not longer catering for my age group.

Aging is an awesome process, i still think it is. Getting older doesnt make you detached from the society. What actually happen is, the marketing scheme is longer treating you as the target audience. God knows how much we have influenced by advertisement, and when i was a student, everything on display, everywhere the marketing program is, it all seems relevant to me, making me super envy +jealous +green monster+hate not being end with the last name Gates.

Now things has changed. Lots of hot selling items are not exactly attractive to me, and i AM comfortable for being slightly different. there's a saying that advertisement company will ignore consumer that stop buying music, and you bet i am well being in that category.

From time to time, i still wish to have the similar attention given by the world (advertising company, to be exact, but heck, they do make me feel like top of the world..), but i guess, by accepting we are no longer the target group, it may helps us to move on better. Perhaps, this may help me complaint lesser towards the media and the mall, and making a far less cynical growing man...

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