joyful joyful

As our fellow countrymen reluctantly back to the polluted cities for their living, students like myself, who are undertaking academic level education under NZ/OZ system have yet again entered the examination period. This is perhaps the only period that libraries are more popular than the local pubs. As i am seeing more and more friends of mine begin their mentally breakdown phase, i am beginning to wonder why there is some people can deal with stress positively while the others couldnt. To be more specific, why do females seems to be more easily stress than man?

There's actually a lot of research out there to look for the reasons that we stress. There is this interesting research saying that people that grind their teeth while they sleeping are less likely to be stressed as they released they stress by grinding. Personally i am quite fond of this new theory as both me and my second sister grind out teeth badly since young. And believe it or not, both me and my sister can handle stress relatively well, and there is not many people that actually have seen us stress. Never in my life ever near the stage or nearly mentally breakdown. However, there are at least 4 of them, all females, that are closely related to me, seems to be streessed easily and the fact that they all did actually fell into the stage that requried medication worried me a lot. I've tried many methods to help them to improve their stress management skills, but they just seems to be lacking the talent to master it.

If the theory is true (its call Bruxism by the way), i wonder if there is any pharmaceutical company that will produce medicine that make people grind teeth.:)

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