bandwagon '08

About few months back i saw my friend did a three-quarter review of her 2008 resolution. I sort of look back what i wrote a year ago. impressively, i actually achieved 6/10 for my resolution. In terms of university level, i actually passed the test~~

its actually a happy thing to see urself achieving something u aimed for, especially when its kinda tough to reach it... Obviously there is more can be done to achieve another 4 goals, but hey, i have been living quite a lay back life for the past 20 over years, so i will not be harsh on myself for this.

After writing few appraisal in the hope of receiving miserable pay increment, i have learn that in many ways, its all about percentage. And since i am my own boss, so i shall do my resolution with the percentage game.

1. Maintain my total gross income, with 20% goes to 'cannot be touched fund' and 15% goes to investment.
2. complete my travel blog (god, please give me strength on this~)
3. At least complete the 2 stories that have be swimming in my dream for the past year (maybe this one i need strength from angels~)
4. increase my frequency of exercise/gym to 4 days/week
5. complete a professional papers and an investment program
6. continue trying new games. doing acrobatic stunk with airplane would be a good start :)
7. travel to any random place without prior planning (although high chances this will tarnish my resolution no.1)
8. learn how to use my camera
9. have a solid plan on financing towards a very own SOHO unit.
10. if cant help physically, at least donate money to charity.
11. Concentrate my focus on my decided career path.

last but not least, dont really want to put in into my resolution list, but i think its something i should do. Shy to admit, but i think i should be serious about getting a girl and think about forming a family in few years time. I know its something very much dependent on fate and luck, but having mental preparation for things to happen shouldn't be that bad right? Not saying that i will go out hunting like a warewolf-lah, just spent a bit more time on people that i feel comfortable with.

After all, i do scared that my aunt really bring my cousin and i for maybe can be my no.12 resolution.....

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