
people been talking about freedom for the past few months.
'come on~ you r getting married soon, have fun before you lost your freedom!'
' what? your gf stopped you from going out? where's your freedom right?'
' you better travel as many place as you could before you give up your freedom to your boss'

its funny that how much i wish that i am 21 year old when i was young so that i could have as much freedom as i could, but as i am 22 year old now, things just not as what i was hoping for. its true that you would have no one to nag you for going out late, n you can just go anywhere you wish to. erm...technically what i said is true, but there's another thing pop out of no where n stop you from doing whatever your heart told you to do so. Responsibility. its my responsibility as a student to excel in study, so i cant go out. its my responsibility to let my gf feel secure, so i cant just go where ever i want. its my responsibility to take good care of my health, so i cant just get high n drunk n sleep on the road until 6 o'clock in the morning. its my responsibility to take care of my aging parent, so i must try n save up money n hopefully in the future i can allow them living in luxury

life can be simple, with condition if you are single and no family responsibility. but i am not complaining. because that's my responsibility. freedom is too abstract for me now. i leave it to all of you who have not discovered the burden.

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