
was reading a 12 column comic that was drawn by one of my sister's best friend, its about how teens felt about love. the comic begun with a teenage boy sick of watching TV alone, watched movie alone,walked around the shopping complex n park alone, played with only dogs, and the handphone is always lying on the table with no phone call.
then out of desperation, he got a girlfriend. he was excited that he longer has to do things alone.soon, his phone is always 'hot', but the phonebill hot like a fire burn all his money away. he is restricted to watch certain movie n TV, the romantic walk in park become the annoying walk,even the dog slimmed down because no body take much care of him. then they breakup out of 'mutual understanding', a better way of saying the other half is 'unbearable'.
the fantasy of having a girlfriend is broken into pieces, he is back to himself, but he is still looking at girls all the time n hoping for a girlfriend

sound so all familiar isnt it? sigh.....

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