moving on...

So finally i have resigned and starting a new lifestyle. The reality hasnt really sit in yet as i actually have quite a full on weekend for the past 1 week. So still not feeling the difference yet. Heck, i am seeing my ex-colleague as frequent as it was, perhaps that is the key reason...

been scribble a lot in mandarin, not sure the reason behind. Just felt like writing in chinese, that's about it. I mean, after all, i am more capable of expressing myself in mandarin as compare to other languages due to the educational background ( will probably take an hour to write a sentence if i try to do it in Malay). Not only once i have encounter incident in which people find it so shocking to learn that i can read chinese (what the heck, i am good at it all right...), because i do not have the 'chinese school look'.

whatever it is, i have no clue, but strongly doubt that the statement is a compliment as a whole. Sometimes do find it rather scary that because of language barrier, we the malaysian chinese, splitting ourselves from the merely 21% population into another half. Given the current situation, if i were a politician, for sure i will play the inter AND intra racial card and manipulate the situation around as well. it is so darn easy to stir tension as respect and understanding was not much given to one another. Just throw a question on which language should science be taught in n u will start seeing people fighting. Both side have their point, but they did not see the common problem i.e. malaysian is jack of all language, but master of non, so why not look at the most important issue, which is the reason behind the incapability of grasping the languages? is the teacher up to the standard? as far as my experience can tell, HELL NO~ just ask around what do the BM teacher teach during the class, and the whoever prof that protest on this issue will understand that there has been a problem in the teaching method, n whether he win this war or not, malaysian's BM is weakening and will continue be seen as not cool to use it.

Cool factor is rather important for the y generation, well, take my friend's sister for example. She hates POA classes and hence chinese language. But few years back i saw her reading learning material on chinese language, i got so shocked and later only to find out she is learning that so she could watch drama acted by F4 and sing Jay Chow's song in RedBox.

i have gone through the pain of screwing up result as a result of inability to answer exam question in English. It took me 5 years to remember all the stuff in Malay language n A level expect me to convert everything into english in a year time. Not everyone is capable of doing that, so please, if want the student to be good at the language, then teach them at the right way at language classes.

nevertheless, i do think that implementation of this policy kinda too hasty, reason being our teacher's quality is still far from there yet. If only our government is patient enough to take 2-3 years to produce some high quality teachers, if only....

n why am i writing all this nonsense? crap....

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