A cut above

After saying no to a number of invitation for countdown celebration, i kind of regret it. Its not because i want to party, but its more of the fact that i want to runaway from the surprise party that my family is hosting...

At the end of the day, i choose to stay in room and bear with the noise, because i think it is still far more bearable compared to the traffic jam. I had a feel of how bad it can be last year, so i've learn that i should either planned early, be there early, or just stay put at home.

The thing is, as the clock is ticking towards 2009, i had a stomach upset. Without thinking much,i went straight to the loo. Just as i want to blast up Japan, i heard fireworks starting to blast the sky.

Happy new year. I told myself, sitting on the toilet bowl, listening to the echoes of fireworks from far.

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